The Mindful Developer

Trying to master as many coding concepts as I can

DRY: Partials With Locals

The concept of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) is one you hear annoyingly often in software development, but for good reason. When you’re learning basic applications on your own, it seems fine to copy and paste code into separate areas, but with more complexity comes more bugs, and having to fix the same problem several times is annoying. And if it’s not annoying to you, it definitely will be to your coworkers when you’re on a team. A good example of DRY is partials.

Follow the CSS Road

When starting on my first Sinatra project, I felt empowered. I felt confident in my ability to build my migration table (despite having to take a long time to build the seed data to load into it), I built my models with the necessary password encryption, configured my application controller to divert responsibilities to separate controllers for users and destinations, and I was on my way!

The Wonderful World of Debugging

by Steve Wright

Blank Space (CLI GEM Project)

by Steve Wright

Why Coding?

Hi, my name is Steve, and I’m fairly new to software engineering. A few years ago, after a lot of thinking and chatting with my girlfriend (now wife), I realized that I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life in sales or sales management. Not that there’s anything wrong with sales; financially, it was great for me, but I don’t want to look back on my life when I’m old and see that is what I contributed to society.